America is facing a reckoning. Many brave individuals have stepped forward over the last several months to speak truth about sexual harassment and assault in workplaces, in entire industries, and even in Congress. For a very long time, companies dealt with sexual assault and harassment allegations quietly and in backrooms,…
Policyholder Pulse
Settling Complex Insurance Claims – Choosing the Right Path
In most cases, a reasonable settlement produces a better result than litigation. A good settlement should provide more of what you need at a lower cost with less interruption of your core business. Abraham Lincoln is credited with the following advice: “Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you…
Insurance for “Acts of Terror” – Are You Protected?
The Las Vegas massacre. The Ariana Grande concert bombing in Manchester, England. The Pulse nightclub in Orlando. The concert hall attack in Paris. The mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. The quickening drumbeat of attacks on companies and businesspeople that host public events and on those who…
Time is of the Essence: Multinational Companies Must Respond to Cyber Regulation
One thing is for certain: cyberattacks have become the norm, not the exception. Not even the NSA is capable of completely warding off security breaches. Major banking and retail institutions, as well as the government, are not surprisingly the most likely targets because of the amount of sensitive and private…
Some Decisions Policyholders Can Be Thankful for this Year
It’s that time of the year when Americans gather together, enjoy a feast, and fall asleep in front of the TV. But before the tryptophan kicks in, we also like to give thanks for the good things that have happened in the past year. Corporate policyholders can share in the…
Are Smart Contracts Smart Enough for the Insurance Industry?
Third-party intervention may now prove unnecessary when interpreting and enforcing contract provisions—at least this is what proponents of smart contracts believe. The overall goal, they argue, is to provide security unattainable through traditional contract law, and to reduce additional transaction costs that come with the traditional process. Will insurance policies…
New York Court Reads Additional Insured Provision Broadly in Favor of Owner and Contractor
In a previous blog post, we addressed blanket additional insured endorsements, and the circumstances under which Company A could become an additional insured under Company B’s policy, even where Company B failed to add Company A to the policy. In that same vein, a New York trial court granted additional…
Not Quite So Limited: Are Sublimits Sure to Limit Your Level of Coverage?
A critical component of any insurance policy is of course its limit, which is usually the most an insurance company must pay for a loss. But many property insurance policies include “sublimits” that provide a lower limit for particular losses. Identifying the sublimits in a policy is usually straightforward since…
Missouri Throws Its Support to the “All Sums” Side of the Great Allocation Debate
What happens when you have a claim arising from circumstances that unfolded over many policy years—like environmental property damage or asbestos bodily injury claims? Which policies are triggered? How much coverage does each policy provide? Unsurprisingly, insurers and policyholders disagree on the answers. And courts across the country have been…
Mark Those Words: When Reviewing Insurance Policies, Small Differences in Wording Can Have Big Impacts
In the aftermath of events like 2017’s hurricanes, especially for companies that were impacted multiple times, there are usually more things in need of attention than there is attention to go around. Reviewing insurance policies is one—but still only one—of those things. In the initial stages of dealing with these…