
Policyholder Pulse


Insurance Investigations 101: What You Need to Know When Your Insurer Asks Questions

A critical step in a property insurance claim is the investigation undertaken by the insurer to gather information about the claim. Insurers generally have obligations and rights to conduct a prompt investigation of claimed losses, but policyholders often do not fully understand the investigation process or coverage issues it raises.…


As Opioid Liability Claims Expand Across the Industry, Consider Your Insurance Coverage

Regular readers of the Policyholder Pulse know that we often frame coverage issues with a lighthearted or (hopefully) humorous theme, but there’s nothing funny about the opioid crisis that continues to devastate lives and communities across the United States. The extent and impact of opioid addiction are being examined and…


Are You Sure You’re an “Additional Insured”? The Second Circuit Says You May Not Be

In a previous blog post we discussed a New York trial court decision in which the court granted additional insured status to entities that did not contract with the named insured, but were referenced by category in the named insured’s subcontract. But before concluding you’ve got additional insurance, there’s another…


Insurance Coverage for Mudslides Shifts into Focus

As James Taylor might say, I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain, but will my insurance cover the damage? California has certainly seen plenty of fire and rain. In the aftermath of the state’s most recent devastating events, damages are estimated to top $5 billion. As Californians file insurance claims…


Lost in the Desert: An Arizona Court Takes a Wrong Turn on Interpreting Ambiguous Policy Language

Most states apply the rule of contra proferentem, resolving ambiguous policy language against the insurer and in favor of coverage. Insurers, after all, have control over their policy language and it is their responsibility to ensure the language is clear. Some states require the use of extrinsic evidence before resolving…


Keeping Time: The Importance of In-House Counsel Recording Their Time for the Duty to Defend

Living a life in 0.1 hour increments! Most law firm lawyers begrudgingly accept the necessity of meticulously counting their time, and most in-house lawyers are relieved when they no longer have to think about their days six minutes at a time. But as more in-house legal departments take on their…


GDPR is Coming – Have You Checked Your Insurance Program Lately?

The stopwatch is running. Companies are scrambling to figure out how the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)—due to go into effect on May 25, 2018—will affect how they do business. Uncertainty and speculation abound; no one knows exactly how the law will be enforced, particularly with respect to companies…


Damned If You Don’t: Ninth Circuit Enforces D&O Policy Rescission for Correct Answer on Policyholder’s Application

Sometimes you just can’t win. Under the law of most states, the doctrine of rescission provides that when a policyholder gives a materially misleading answer on an application for insurance, the court may hold it void ab initio, meaning the policy is unenforceable from the outset, as if there had…


Florida’s Construction Defect Resolution Process Is a “Suit” that May Require Insurers to Defend Construction Professionals

Any construction professional working in Florida likely is familiar with the state’s notice and opportunity to repair statute (“chapter 558”) that creates a process for trying to resolve construction defect claims without litigation. As the first step in this mandatory process, a property owner must serve a chapter 558 notice…


Counsel, Conflicts & Fees: A Dynamic Duo of Cases in 2017

Returning to the work routine after the winter holidays can certainly be a drag—but some new case law from the past year should put policyholders in higher spirits as 2018 begins. In two decisions with the potential for broad impact, courts expanded the ability of policyholders to recover attorney’s fees…