
Articles Posted in States


Electing to Pay One Claim Over Another to an Insured’s Detriment Could Subject Insurers to Bad Faith Claims

A federal court in Michigan just breathed new life into a long-running legal saga—while at the same time issuing a warning shot across the bows of insurers—by declining to dismiss an insured’s bad faith cause of action alleging its insurer wrongly decided to pay one claim before another, to the…


New York’s Highest Court Delivers a Blow to Policyholders in Allocation of Long-Tail Liability Coverage

The conflict between policyholders and insurers over “long-tail” insurance coverage took an unfortunate turn with a recent decision by the New York Court of Appeals on the issue of allocation for long-tail claims. On March 27, 2018, the court issued a decision in Keyspan that significantly impacts policyholders by decreasing…


Kentucky Supreme Court Stays in the Minority: Faulty Work Does Not Constitute an Occurrence

A little over two months ago, we analyzed the recent decision in Black & Veatch Corp. v. Aspen Insurance (UK) Ltd., which placed the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in line with a consistently expanding number of jurisdictions finding that a subcontractor’s faulty work constitutes an “occurrence”…


CGL Insurer Can’t Avoid Covering Employer for Negligent Hiring of Employee Who Committed Intentional Wrong, California Supreme Court Says

By statute, California law holds that willful misconduct—where an insured intends to cause someone harm—is not insurable as a matter of public policy. For years, insurance companies have sought to expand this prohibition to exclude coverage where anyone acts deliberately, regardless of the intent of the insured, or the insured’s…


The Developer’s Toolbox to Manage Risk of Future Condominium Conversion

Developers need to keep an open mind to protect themselves against construction defect claims. Insurance is a vital tool, but it should not be the only one in a developer’s risk management toolbox. Another useful tool—the ability to disclaim all liability for future construction defect claims when the property is…


Bad Facts (Sometimes) Make Good Law – The Worst Texting and Driving Incident Still Does Not Defeat Coverage under NY Law

Insurance agreement language that precludes coverage in CGL policies for “expected or intended” injuries has been analyzed in nearly every jurisdiction, and courts have consistently held that bodily injury or property damage is excluded only if the insurer can demonstrate resulting damage was expected or intended by the insured. In…


Another Appellate Court Holds that Faulty Work Constitutes an Occurrence – This Time Under New York Law

It is axiomatic that in order to obtain insurance coverage a policyholder must first establish that a claim falls within a policy’s insuring agreement before coverage under the policy is triggered. For construction claims brought under CGL policies, that frequently means showing that the damages at issue constitute “property damage”…


Insurance Coverage for Mudslides Shifts into Focus

As James Taylor might say, I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain, but will my insurance cover the damage? California has certainly seen plenty of fire and rain. In the aftermath of the state’s most recent devastating events, damages are estimated to top $5 billion. As Californians file insurance claims…


Lost in the Desert: An Arizona Court Takes a Wrong Turn on Interpreting Ambiguous Policy Language

Most states apply the rule of contra proferentem, resolving ambiguous policy language against the insurer and in favor of coverage. Insurers, after all, have control over their policy language and it is their responsibility to ensure the language is clear. Some states require the use of extrinsic evidence before resolving…


Florida’s Construction Defect Resolution Process Is a “Suit” that May Require Insurers to Defend Construction Professionals

Any construction professional working in Florida likely is familiar with the state’s notice and opportunity to repair statute (“chapter 558”) that creates a process for trying to resolve construction defect claims without litigation. As the first step in this mandatory process, a property owner must serve a chapter 558 notice…