
Articles Posted in Property Damage


Not Quite So Limited: Are Sublimits Sure to Limit Your Level of Coverage?

A critical component of any insurance policy is of course its limit, which is usually the most an insurance company must pay for a loss. But many property insurance policies include “sublimits” that provide a lower limit for particular losses. Identifying the sublimits in a policy is usually straightforward since…


Hurricane Harvey and Irma: Is Your Company Prepared for a Disaster?

An unexpected or catastrophic loss can force any company out of business, even if it is insured.  You must understand your company’s risks and how your insurance policies cover those risks in order to manage them and maintain stability. Having the correct insurance in place is only the first step.…


Hurricane Harvey: Insurance Implications

As the powerful storm that is Hurricane Harvey looms in the Gulf of Mexico, Houston attorneys Vince Morgan and Tamara Bruno discuss what businesses and other organizations in the affected area should do immediately in order to maximize insurance recovery. Key Takeaways: Category 3 Hurricane Harvey is projected to have…


Colorado Court Enforces Statute that Presumes Faulty Workmanship Constitutes an Occurrence

Is damage resulting from faulty workmanship covered under your CGL policy? In the past, insurers have had success in certain jurisdictions arguing that construction defect cases did not constitute a covered “occurrence” because the damage was purportedly not unintended or unexpected. In recent years, however, courts have shifted course; the…


Are You Prepared for the Leaning Tower of … San Francisco?

In 1173, builders broke ground in Pisa, Italy, on the Torre de Pisa (that is, the Tower of Pisa). At over 183 feet, it was to be a grand statement—remember, this was 1173, not 2016. But the story is not all roses. The tower began immediately to tilt—by the time…


Hurricane Matthew Requires Immediate Action to Maximize Insurance Recovery

After tearing through the Caribbean, Hurricane Matthew’s path brought it north to the southeastern coast of the United States, bringing evacuations, business closures and damages to the region. In the storm’s aftermath, colleagues Tamara Bruno, Colin Kemp, Peter Gillon, Vince Morgan and Joe Jean discuss important steps to take to…


Eliminate the Weak Link in Your Supply Chain with CBI Insurance Coverage

Business Interruption insurance provides the policyholder with important peace of mind—it covers lost business arising from unexpected damage to the policyholder’s property. But what if the damage isn’t to the policyholder’s own property—what if the losses arise because of damage a supplier or customer suffers? When a link in your…


When Spring Showers Bring Floods: Insurance Recovery Tips for Businesses

Spring brings warmer weather and a welcome return to green after winter gray. But spring can sometimes go too far, with rain that escalates into destructive floods. As floodwaters recede and cleanup begins, obtaining insurance proceeds and FEMA assistance are critical and immediate steps to recovery. The following practices can…


Insurance Coverage for Nuisance Claims in the Oil Patch

In Texas and other states, the mineral owner can freely use the surface estate to the extent reasonably necessary for the exploration, development and production of oil and gas. That includes activities such as building roads, drilling wells and transporting equipment and personnel. But frustrated property owners are increasingly bringing nuisance…