
Articles Posted in Property Damage


Colorado Extends Notice-Prejudice Rule for First-Party Occurrence Policies

In a recent win for policyholders, the Supreme Court of Colorado handed down a pair of decisions that extended the notice-prejudice rule to first-party property policies. Colorado law now requires an insurer to demonstrate that it was prejudiced by the insured’s late notice of a claim before it can deny…


Recent Illinois Supreme Court Decision on Construction Defect Claim Is a Perfect Holiday Gift for Policyholders

The Illinois Supreme Court handed down a big win for policyholders just in time for the holidays. In Acuity v. M/I Homes of Chicago, LLC, the court joined the mainstream of jurisdictions and reversed years-old precedent that severely limited policyholders’ ability to tap their liability coverage for construction defect and…


Taking the Market’s Temperature on Coverage for Climate Change-Related Property Damage

Temperatures in Arizona this week reached over 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The water temperature in the Florida Keys was reported to reach sauna-like levels, threatening the life of habitat-sustaining coral. Atmospheric conditions are routinely blamed for violent storms and for wildfires that darken the skies. As average global temperatures continue to…


Great Sargasso Seaweed Event May Lead to Covered Business Interruption and Loss of Use

As summer vacation rolls around and hotels, restaurants and other hospitality companies gear up for a busy tourist season, coastal businesses in the U.S. Southeast, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean may be welcoming an unexpected guest—the Great Atlantic Sargassum Seaweed Belt. Businesses are bracing for this ten-million-ton mass of brown…


“Blank Space” Becomes Big Win for Builder’s Risk Policyholder

Loyal readers of this blog may recall our recent analysis of Norwegian Hull Club v. North Star Fishing Co., an insurance coverage dispute that appeared likely to turn on the meaning of a blank space in a very large builder’s risk policy. After bench trial, U.S. District Judge Robert L.…


A Missing Issue in “Blank Space” Insurance Ruling

Insurance coverage disputes often turn on the meaning of the specific words used in a policy. Norwegian Hull Club v. North Star Fishing Co., currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, presents a twist—it turns on the meaning of a blank space. Last month, U.S.…


The Higher the Value, the Greater the Loss: The Importance of Updating Building Values in Inflationary Times

Earlier in 2022, CBRE forecasted a 14.1% year-over-year increase in construction costs by year-end 2022, as labor and material costs continue to rise, despite the expectation that overall cost inflation for materials would begin to cool by the end of the year. Commercial construction costs have indeed increased, as Turner…


Ohio Appellate Court Ruling Is a Reminder that Cyber Coverage Can Be Found in Unexpected Places

As the number and severity of cyberattacks rise, the importance of insurance coverage to offset resultant loss becomes increasingly important. An opinion issued by the Ohio Court of Appeals is a happy reminder that there may be coverage for cyber-related loss even if you did not buy cyber-specific insurance and…


EPA Announces Increased Efforts to Require Cleanup of Coal Ash – Insurance Should Be a Component of Companies’ Response

Early in 2021, we wrote about potential insurance implications that could arise from the then-new Biden Administration’s expected regulatory priorities. Among other things, we noted that heightened scrutiny on coal ash was expected. On January 11, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirmed that prediction, issuing a press release…


Flooded by Ida? Many Policyholders Can Expect Increased Premiums for Flood Insurance

After hitting the shores of Louisiana with winds of up to 172mph in late August, Hurricane Ida’s remnants barreled up to the northeastern United States, leaving waves of destruction in its wake. The deluge of rain—more than half-a-foot fell in just a few hours—turned streets and subway platforms into rivers.…