
Articles Posted in Crime/Fidelity


Insuring a King’s Ransom: The Role of Cyber Insurance in Ransomware Risk Management

Nearly 700 years ago, England captured King John II of France and held him for ransom for four million écus. But France could not afford to pay, and King John II ultimately traded his two sons as substitute hostages to try and secure his own release. Today, it is not…


Two New Federal Decisions Are Beacons for Policyholders Navigating Computer Fraud Claims for Spoofing Losses

On insurance coverage issues, sometimes the boat seems to be listing in the wrong direction. For example, insurers have long tilted the decks to avoid coverage for “spoofing” attacks and similar kinds of email fraud by throwing their weight behind arguments that such transactions do not involve a “direct loss”…


Eleventh Circuit Rules There Is No Coverage under Crime Policy’s Computer Fraud Component

Remember the “good” ol’ days when the run-of-the-mill theft involved someone physically taking something tangible? That is so 20th century. Now, thieves and fraudsters are able to use computers and the internet to carry out much more complex schemes. The insurance industry has attempted to keep up with the technological…


Some Decisions Policyholders Can Be Thankful for this Year

It’s that time of the year when Americans gather together, enjoy a feast, and fall asleep in front of the TV. But before the tryptophan kicks in, we also like to give thanks for the good things that have happened in the past year. Corporate policyholders can share in the…